LWML Mary-Martha Circle will meet January 8th, 12:30 pm, at the home of Lenice Barker, 8017 Lowell, Overland Park, KS 66204.
Upcoming services, with Bible Class each week
- Jan. 5: Rev. Daniel Grams (KS District LCMS Assistant to the President for Congregational and School Services)
- Jan. 12: Rev. Tom Krause - (retired pastor from Lord of Life Lutheran, Leawood)
- Jan. 19: Rev. Phil Cook (Exec. Dir. of LUMA (Lutheran Urban Mission Agency) in KCMO)
- Jan. 26: Rev. Tom Krause - (retired pastor from Lord of Life Lutheran, Leawood)
Prayer during our pastoral call process
Dear Lord, help us to see this call process as an opportunity for growth and planning for our congregation. We look to you to work in our hearts to prepare us for your next steps. Guide us to study and listen to your Word, seek your will for our harvest field, plus give us patience and clarity. We know this is a time for prayer so that your voice and plans will be the ones that count. Help us all to actively support one another in this process. In Your holy name we pray. Amen.
Monthly Men's Fellowship - Wed, Jan. 8 at 9am
All men are encouraged to meet on the second Wednesday of each month in the cafe area of the Hy-Vee in Mission. Breakfast and devotions begin at 9am. Talk to Joe S. or Darwin B. for more info.
LWML Circles meet monthly (Wed., Jan. 8; Mon., Jan. 13)
Women are all invited to join in monthly Bible Study and fellowship with Lutheran Women's Missionary League. One group meets at 12:30 on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (in members' homes during construction) and one at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of the month (at church). Contact Jolene C. about the daytime group or to Mary N. about the evening group.
Quilt-tying in January
Mark your new calendar and come to the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, Jan. 25 for quilt-tying from 10-11:30am. No special skills are needed, so helping in this way might be an easy resolution for 2025! We look forward to fellowship and mercy time as we work on quilts that will be shared with our community.
Portals of Prayer
New versions for Jan.-Mar. 2025 are available in the Narthex. Remember that you can bring your used booklets back and place them in a collection tub on the shelf in the coat hall. It does not matter if you have made notes or marks in the booklet. Orphan Grain Train will re-distribute them for us, further sharing the Word of God.
Prayer for the new year
Holy Spirit, I know that "a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past" (Psalm 90:4). Nevertheless, I ask that You fill this new year with blessings, fill my time with worship, and fill my life with things that are pleasing to You. Bless Your church in this new year, that Your Gospel would be faithfully proclaimed and that the whole world would know of Your love for them. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Vacancy Pastor
Rev. Phil Cook is serving as our part-time vacancy pastor (in addition to his part-time role as Director of LUMA). He is our emergency contact. Pastor Cook gives communion to homebound members and anyone who might be unable to attend services due to construction challenges. Contact Pastor Cook by sending a text message or leaving a voicemail at his number: 972-955-8801 (he will return your text/voicemail directly). You can also email him: and can make an appointment to meet with him. You can continue to call the church office with prayer requests (or email them to Lisa E. - ). Rev. Jason Boetcher had previously been listed as our emergency contact - instead, please contact Rev. Cook now. Thanks be to God for the pastors whom we've met during the first portion of our pastoral vacancy and praise to God for the opportunity to get to know Pastor Cook as he serves us in this new way.
Construction / renovation info (as of Fri, 12/27):
It's great to see progress being made around our west entrance and north tower. The large cross was added to the west face of the tower. The steel structure for the canopy at the west doors is taking shape. Outdoor stairs from the lower parking lot level up to the west entrance level are in place. Please keep the project in your prayers - good weather, safety, and making connections to find opportunities to serve as a gathering and Christian mission site in our neighborhood.
Sunday morning info during construction period
- Worship service: in the sanctuary at 9am.
- Fellowship (including coffee/treats): in the basement after the service.
- Adult Bible Class: basement Fellowship Hall at 10:15am.
- Sunday School for kids: blue classroom in basement at 10:15am.
Sunday parking during construction (church parking entrance is one-way, at north side of large parking lot; exit toward McDonald's)
- Use any spaces in our church's large parking lot.
- 8 spaces by our Preschool door should be used by people who need an entrance with no stairs.
- 19 spaces are on east side of KU Endowment Building. Access these via the one-way drive adjacent to our north entrance ramp on Rainbow Blvd.
- 12 spaces are in a lot on north side of KU Endowment Building. Access these from Rainbow, directly into the lot.
- 15 spaces are in a lot on south side of Wendy's. Use caution parking here since you'll need to cross Rainbow on foot.
Sunday morning doors during construction (available before and after church & Bible Class); volunteers will be at the doors to help as you arrive for church
- Preschool door (available by 8:15am, through the entire service, and up to Sunday School time). Wheelchairs (& volunteers to push) are ready for anyone needing help to get down the basement hallway. The stair glides are used to get up to the sanctuary level (volunteers help operate them until 9am and then again after the service).
- Northeast door (east side of church, near large parking lot) - available 8:30-9am. Two internal flights of stairs here take you to the sanctuary (entering through door near pulpit).
- Playground door (west side of church) - available 8:20-9am. Used by people parking at Wendy's (go through playground gate on Rainbow Blvd & follow sidewalk to this door).
Food Pantry - volunteers needed
Our food pantry is serving on Saturday mornings (only) for a few more months. Please keep everyone who receives food in your prayers. Could you spare some time from 9 - 11:15am to help out on any Saturday? Contact Deanna B. for more info. Helping with the pantry is a way to show the love of Jesus to our community. Thank you to all of the people who faithfully serve in the pantry!
Watching our Sunday services online
Click on this link to reach the YouTube page where our Sunday services are live-streamed: YouTube-OS Sunday service. If you miss the service on Sunday, each Monday a recording of the prior day will be posted to the site. You can also get to this webpage via a link on www.oskc.org/onlineworship.
Thank you
I would like to thank you all for the wonderful Christmas bonus. You all mean so much to me and I am privileged to serve you and our Lord here at Our Saviour.
Thank you, Lisa and Curt Ekstrom
Thank you to the entire congregation for the generous Christmas gift.
Donna Bottemuller
Caroline Parks; Lucas Heinrich; Cheryl Scott; Claire Dodson’s family members- Sam Rohr, Mike Rohr; Patty Milbourn; Cheryl Heverin & son Joe; Donna Bottemuller’s friend Tom Frank (small stroke).
Today’s Worship Assistants: Next Week’s Worship Assistants:
Reader: Darla Elliott Reader:
Acolyte: Acolyte:
Altar: Altar:
Organist: Jane Wetzel Organist: Melinda Heinrich
Refreshments: Outreach Refreshments:
Homebound/Care Facility
Loretta Davis, Richard Larson, Kevin Larson, Bob Salsman, David Gates, Willie Oldberg, Jennifer Plackemeier, Gertrude Woodring, Cheryl Scott, David & Caroline Parks.
January Birthdays
Becky Rule Jan 9 Nicki Erwin Jan 17
David Hodgson Jan 13 Carrie Delaney Jan 18
George Bryant Jan 14 Deanna Burroughs Jan 19
Sandy Mitschke Jan 15 Ellie Jarrett Jan 22
Ministry Impact