Preschool Fall Festival, Wed., Oct. 30 - volunteers needed
Come enjoy time with our Preschoolers as they celebrate all the fun of the season. Kids might be in costumes and will certainly enjoy some special crafts, songs, activities and fun! The festival is from 8:45am-11:15am in the Preschool. If you would like to bring some Halloween candy/treats to share please be sure there are no peanuts/peanut butter (due to allergy). There are about 10 students in class. Talk to Mrs. Donna if you have questions & let her know you're coming. Thank you.
Congratulations to Gregg & Melinda Heinrich’s daughter, Lauren. Lauren was married on Friday evening, October 11th to J.D. Walter. We pray for God’s blessings on their marriage.
Food Pantry - volunteers needed
Our food pantry is serving on Saturday mornings (only) for the next few months. Can you spare some time from 9am - 11:15am to help out on any Saturday? Contact Deanna B. for more info. Helping with the pantry is a way to show mercy, and the love of Jesus, to our community. You'll have fun with the volunteer team too.
Construction Project - Capital Campaign (Sept. update)
The capital campaign for our construction project continues. Look for packets of the related forms and documents in the Narthex. The campaign goal is $250,000 and as of the end of September, $73,197 has been received. Thanks to Lauren S. for creating the monitoring board that is in our Narthex. We are grateful for everyone's prayerful consideration about making a contribution and also to those who have submitted gifts. If you have any questions, please email or speak to Debbie K. or Deborah D. If you would like a personal meeting to discuss questions or contributions, please contact Patty M. or Lou W.
Watching our Sunday services online
Click on this link to reach the YouTube page where our Sunday services are live-streamed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFMNlgyBeqQ8JyJU96UJuxQ. If you miss the service on Sunday: each Monday morning, Pastor Mark posts a recording of the prior day's service to the site. You can also get to this page via a link on www.oskc.org/onlineworship
The joy of Baptism
Joshua S., the son of Sam and Suja (and brother of Jessica), was baptized at Our Saviour on Sunday, Oct. 6. Suja's parents, from India, and her brother Arun from New York were able to be here for Joshua's baptism. Joshua's sponsors are his Uncle Arun and his friends Jerry and Vernelle C. What a blessing to have this family in our congregation and to welcome Joshua into the family of God! We pray: Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - thank You for calling Joshua into Your light and making a covenant of forgiveness with him. Guide him in his life to faithfully live as Your dear child. As he grows, continue to help him boldly confess Jesus as his Savior. Thank You for his family, sponsors, Pastors, Sunday School teachers, our congregation and all others who will support Joshua's growth in his faith. Amen.
Pledge Sunday was October 13
Thank you to all who completed and turned in your pledge card for 2025. We thank God as we look toward the upcoming year of ministry at Our Saviour, serving our congregation and community with love, mercy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Blank pledge cards are on the bulletins table in the Narthex and can still be completed and given to Deborah D. - or placed in her personal mailbox in the hallway by the Lounge.
Rebecca Circle (LWML) meets Monday, Oct. 21
All women are invited to come to monthly Bible studies with LWML members. On Monday, 10/21, the meeting will be at 7pm in the basement (park & enter at Preschool door). The one-session Bible study is called "A Reason to Celebrate" (we have joy and praise because of our salvation through Christ).
Lutheran High musical (Mary Poppins) on Friday, Nov. 15
Join your friends from our congregation at the students' performance of Mary Poppins. The musical starts at 7pm and there is a spaghetti dinner (free-will offering) from 5:30-6:30pm. Tickets for the show can be purchased at the door (12411 Wornall Rd, KCMO 64145). Look for a sign-up sheet and mark if you're interested in carpooling to this fun event, supporting the students of Lutheran High. Talk to Mary N. if you have questions.
Sunday morning info (during construction period)
- Worship service: in the sanctuary at 9am.
- Fellowship (including coffee/treats): in the basement after the service.
- Adult Bible Class: basement Fellowship Hall at 10:15am.
- Sunday School for kids: blue classroom in basement at 10:15am.
Sunday parking during construction (church parking entrance is one-way, at north side of large parking lot; exit toward McDonald's)
- Use any spaces in our church's large parking lot.
- 8 spaces by our Preschool door should be used by people who had been using the upper parking lot (& any others who need an entrance with no stairs).
- 19 spaces are on east side of KU Endowment Building. Access these via the one-way drive adjacent to our north entrance ramp on Rainbow Blvd.
- 12 spaces are in a lot on north side of KU Endowment Building. Access these from Rainbow, directly into the lot.
- 15 spaces are in a lot on south side of Wendy's. Use caution parking here since you'll need to cross Rainbow on foot.
Sunday morning doors during construction (available before and after church & Bible Class); volunteers will be at the doors to help as you arrive for church
- Preschool door (available by approx. 8:15am, through the entire service, and up to Sunday School time). Wheelchairs (& volunteers to push) are ready for anyone needing help to get down the long, basement hallway. As needed, the stair glides are used to get up to the sanctuary level (volunteers help operate them until 9am and then again after the service).
- Northeast door (east side of church, near large parking lot) - available approx. 8:30-9am. Two internal flights of stairs here take you to the sanctuary (entering through door near pulpit).
- Playground door (west side of church) - available approx. 8:30-9am. Used by people parking at Wendy's (go through playground gate on Rainbow Blvd & follow sidewalk to this door).
Prayer regarding hurricane impacts
Lord of heaven and earth, we know that you hold all things and all people in Your hands. In your mercy, provide for the needs of those who have been affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton plus those who will be in the path of any upcoming storms. Protect all involved from any further harm. Work through the efforts of those who bring relief, aid and comfort. Most of all, help us to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. In His name we pray. Amen.
Blanket collection for Care Beyond the Boulevard
When our church hosted a speaker from Care Beyond the Boulevard ("CBB") in August, we learned that the people they serve have an ongoing need for blankets. For the next few months, you can bring gently-used blankets to church and they will be donated to CBB's healthcare outreach program here in the KC metro.Thrift stores can be a good source for this blanket drive (twin, full, queen). Your donations stay in our area and are a mercy ministry, showing care for people in need. Place blankets on the upper shelf in the coat hall. Talk to Jerry C. if you have questions. Thank you.
Visit from District President, Rev. Panzer - Mon., Oct. 14 at 7pm
Rev. Justin Panzer, President of Kansas District LCMS, will meet with our congregation TONIGHT (Monday, 10/14). He meets with each congregation that has a pastoral vacancy. Our entire congregation should plan to attend at 7pm in our church sanctuary. (Construction is going to start that day, but we’ve been told that we can still access the building through our main doors that evening.)
Guest Grandparents are needed in Preschool – Fri., Oct. 18 (8:45am – 11:15am)
Grandparents Day will be celebrated in our Preschool and some students don’t have a grandparent who is able to attend. We need YOUR help to attend on Fri., Oct. 18 and be a friend to a child that morning. The students will have special activities, songs and crafts. You’ll be matched with a child and accompany them from station to station. This is a way to support our Preschool staff and children and to meet family members. You can be any age to serve as a grandparent! Let our teacher, Donna B., know if you will attend. If you’ve committed to be a Preschool Prayer Partner, this is a terrific way to get to know “your” student!
Join KC Young Adults for a volunteer day at Harvesters Food Bank on November 2nd from 1-3 PM! We’ll sort and repack food to help our community. Please wear long pants and closed-toed shoes, and consider carpooling due to limited parking. Sign up by October 31 to secure your spot. Let’s make a positive impact together!
Choir update:
Our Saviour leadership is in the process of searching for a new choir director During this time, our choir members are planning to sing several times a month. We will be using hymns or familiar music and rehearsing at 8:30 on the Sunday morning that we will sing. If you have ever had the desire to sing with the choir, please feel welcome to come rehearse and sing with us on those days. No formal commitment or training necessary, just the desire to sing PRAISE to the LORD! Our next time to sing will be Sunday, Ocotber13th. If you have any questions, please call or email, Jane Wetzel, 816-718-2804. Or .
Food Pantry and Thanksgiving
It is time to start preparing for the Thanksgiving meals the Pantry hands out this year. Your support and prayers are appreciated.
Needs: Mashed potatoes, gravy, and jello.
Prayers: Caroline Parks; Brian Nussbaum; Lucas Heinrich; Curt Kenyon; Jennifer Iiams; Cheryl Scott; Chuck, Pastor Mark's uncle and godfather; Claire Dodson’s family members- Sam Rohr, Mike Rohr; Carol Hash (Donna Bottemuller’s sister-in-law), and her friend Tom who is in the hospital; Becky Beilharz’s friend Caryl; Graham, premature newborn and family; Bob Burroughs’ coworker is looking for an automobile, prayers or if you have one to offer, let Bob know; the family of Wayne Welkner, friend & one of Gregg Heinrich’s bosses at his work. Wayne died Saturday evening in a tragic accident; Susan Wagner’s family for the loss of her brother-in-law Richard Wagner, and her coworker Ernie who is being treated for cancer; Robert Bottemuller’s knee injury.
October Birthdays & Anniversaries:
Birthdays: Anniversaries:
Dale Irwin October 1 Bob & Deanna Burroughs October 1
Becky Beilharz October 1 Greg & Deborah Mayer October 3
Malcolm Shanks October 1 Dale & Terry Irwin October 7
Chris Wagner October 6 David & Julie Patterson October 9
Susan Paulakovich October 6 Jack & Claudia Kaiser October 12
Summer Bryant October 6 Richard & Becky Rule October 15
Nanette Klenklen October 11 Richard & Jennifer Plackemeier October 18
Sharon Mitschke October 11 Joe & Georgianna Schowengerdt October 21
Susan Wagner October 12
Patrick Hodgson October 13
Lois Wetzel October 13
Laura Scott October 13
Suja Chandrasekaran October 14
Don Hilt October 18
Andi Welch October 19
Katie Henrichs October 20
Darwin Barker October 27
Sarah Hartwig October 27
Lauren Wood October 29
Andrew Patterson October 30