OSL weekly

November 27, 2024




Thank you to our food pantry volunteers

We appreciate all the people who helped distribute Thanksgiving meal items on Sat., Nov. 23 (and everyone who donated food for these meals). Showing mercy to our community is a great way to share the love of Jesus.  Thank you to all the food pantry volunteers who have been serving on Saturday mornings since mid-2024. You've been very flexible in helping keep this mercy ministry going. We all appreciate Deanna's leadership, encouragement, time, and bargain shopping. Thank you ALL!


Pastoral Characteristics survey and Nomination forms

Anonymous surveys for our congregation and friends to complete were distributed in mid-Nov. This is an important part of our call process.  Please complete the survey and return it to the tray in the narthex (near the bulletins) no later than Sunday, Dec. 1.  Nomination forms can also be found in the narthex, for any member to complete. This form is a chance for you to give info about a pastor whom you wish to be considered for our call list. A pastor nominated in this way should not be someone with less than three years in his current call, or from our circuit (Circuit No. 2, consisting of 2 churches in Basehor, 2 in Leavenworth, and the other 5 in Kansas City, KS), or from the seminary. Nomination forms are also due back no later than Sunday, Dec. 1.


Preschool Christmas Program – Sat., Dec. 14 (starts 11am in the Fellowship Hall)
Celebrate Christmas through songs and stories performed by our Preschool students.  Come to meet the kids and their families, stay for the treats after the program.  We’ll celebrate all kinds of ways – including with a birthday cake for Jesus!


Tidings of Joy! concert, Sunday, Dec. 15 at 3pm

Mark your calendar for this free, annual concert at Village Presbyterian church. Our congregation is encouraged to attend and enjoy Christmas favorites by voice and instrumental choirs. Please chat with your OS friends and make a plan to carpool for parking at 6641 Mission Rd, Prairie Village, KS. Someone from Our Saviour will go early to save space in several pews.


Pastors who will lead services on upcoming Sundays
- Dec. 1: Rev. Daniel Grams (serves KS District LCMS as Assistant to the Pres. for Congregational and School Services) - Bible Class.

- Dec. 8: Rev. Tom Harries (retired pastor from Hope Lutheran, Shawnee) - Advent Village.

- Dec. 15: Rev. Phil Cook (Exec. Dir. of LUMA (Lutheran Urban Mission Agency) in KCMO) - Bible Class.


Info during our time of pastoral vacancy

Rev. Jason Boetcher, pastor of Trinity Family of Faith Lutheran Church in Basehor KS, will be one of the pastors serving our congregation over the next months. He is our Circuit Visitor and is the pastor who will be available to our congregation for emergency contact and in-home communion. Contact him by sending a text message or leaving a voicemail at his number: 321-591-7045 (he will return your text / voicemail directly). Pastor Boetcher was at the Oct. 14 Pre-Call Meeting with our congregation, led by Rev. Justin Panzer who is President of the Kansas District LCMS. We will not have one, assigned "vacancy pastor". Instead, we are blessed to have several pastors who are able to be with us on Sundays to lead the service and teach Bible Class. Vernelle C. has been busy contacting pastors and managing the Sunday schedule. Talk to your member of the Spiritual Care Team with questions ("assignments" by last name letter are listed in the back pages of our Nov. 2023 church directory). You can continue to call or email our church office with prayer requests.


December info: special services in our sanctuary

Rev. Phil Cook (who led our Nov. 10 service) will lead Advent services at 7pm on Wednesdays Dec. 4, 11 and 18.  Rev. Jason Boetcher will lead our Christmas Eve candlelight service, with Holy Communion, on Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 8pm.


Construction / renovation update (as of Friday, 11/22):

The new retaining wall and other concrete work is in progress. The sidewalk from the large parking lot to the north tower door will be replaced (eliminating the outdoor step at this door). When the west concrete work is done then work can begin on the new, glassed-in entry at our west doors. Interior electrical work is underway. There is a construction fence at the west entrance, to keep the public out and safe. Please pray for good weather and for the safety of the workers plus everyone who travels in our parking lot and on adjacent sidewalks.  Also, please pray for new opportunities God directs us to - so we can share the gospel here in our neighborhood or beyond. 


Sunday morning info during construction period

- Worship service: in the sanctuary at 9am.

- Fellowship (including coffee/treats): in the basement after the service.

- Adult Bible Class: basement Fellowship Hall at 10:15am. 

- Sunday School for kids: blue classroom in basement at 10:15am.


Sunday parking during construction (church parking entrance is one-way, at north side of large parking lot; exit toward McDonald's)

- Use any spaces in our church's large parking lot.

- 8 spaces by our Preschool door should be used by people who had been using the upper parking lot (& any others who need an entrance with no stairs).

- 19 spaces are on east side of KU Endowment Building.  Access these via the one-way drive adjacent to our north entrance ramp on Rainbow Blvd.

- 12 spaces are in a lot on north side of KU Endowment Building.  Access these from Rainbow, directly into the lot.

- 15 spaces are in a lot on south side of Wendy's. Use caution parking here since you'll need to cross Rainbow on foot.


Sunday morning doors during construction (available before and after church & Bible Class); volunteers will be at the doors to help as you arrive for church

- Preschool door (available by 8:15am, through the entire service, and up to Sunday School time). Wheelchairs (& volunteers to push) are ready for anyone needing help to get down the basement hallway. The stair glides are used to get up to the sanctuary level (volunteers help operate them until 9am and then again after the service).

- Northeast door (east side of church, near large parking lot) - available 8:30-9am. Two internal flights of stairs here take you to the sanctuary (entering through door near pulpit). 

- Playground door (west side of church) - available 8:20-9am. Used by people parking at Wendy's (go through playground gate on Rainbow Blvd & follow sidewalk to this door). 


Food Pantry - volunteers needed

Our food pantry is serving on Saturday mornings (only) for several more months. Please keep everyone who receives food in your prayers.  Could you spare some time from 9 - 11:15am to help out on any Saturday?  Contact Deanna B. for more info.  Helping with the pantry is a way to show the love of Jesus to our community.  It's also fun to spend time with the volunteer team.


Watching our Sunday services online

Click on this link to reach the YouTube page where our Sunday services are live-streamed: YouTube-OS Sunday service.  If you miss the service on Sunday, each Monday a recording of the prior day will be posted to the site.  You can also get to this webpage via a link on www.oskc.org/onlineworship.


Minutes of Nov. Leadership Team meeting

A recap of the Nov. 7 meeting of Our Saviour's Leadership Team can be found in the bright, yellow folder at the end of the member mailboxes (near upstairs Lounge). Please review a copy and return it to the folder for others to see.


Prayer for Advent (which begins Dec. 1): Blessed Lord Jesus, we praise and thank You for Your gracious coming this Advent season. We confess that You came the first time to win our salvation, that You come today to distribute salvation through Your means of grace, and that You will come again in glory on the Last Day to manifest salvation. Humble us and make us ready for Your coming every single day. In Your royal name we pray. Amen.


Save the Date! Advent Village: December 8th, 2024.

Join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall following 9 am worship on December 8th for cookies, crafts, carols, and a time of fellowship to mark the Advent season. 

Please consider bringing a donation of new socks (of any size) to add to the ‘sock tree’ during Advent Village. These socks will be a blessing to our Food Pantry patrons throughout the winter season. 

Questions? Reach out to Lauren at   or any member of the OSL 

Education Team.



OSL Angels, 
Metro Lutheran Ministry needs our help for their annual Christmas Store.  The store runs from December 8-14 and will serve 1,000 households during that time.  There are several ways you can help:

- There is a tree in the narthex with gift tags listing suggested gifts.  Additional suggestions are on the attached flyer.  Leave any donations at church by Sunday Dec 8 and we’ll get them to the store.

- You can purchase from their Amazon wish list listed on the MLM website.

- If you don’t want to shop yourself, donate money and MLM will shop for you.

- You can also give your time by volunteering during the week.

For more information on any of these options, check out https://mlmkc.org/event/christmas-store/ or contact Rebecka Noel @  .
Thank you!!



Poinsettia Orders/Dedications It is time to order your poinsettias. The cost this year is $15 a piece. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia, please find order cards on the table in the Narthex and return them to the office by December 16th. All money is to be given to Jane Wetzel.

Christmas Greeting Cards

The greeting cards in the church lounge will be available during the construction. Christmas cards are on sale now. If you have any needs or questions, please contact Vernelle.


Choir Practice

There will be a choir practice on Wednesday, December 4th following the Advent service.



Caroline Parks; Brian Nussbaum; Lucas Heinrich; Cheryl Scott; Claire Dodson’s family members- Sam Rohr, Mike Rohr; the Kaiser family on the passing of Jack; the Kenyon family on the passing of Curtis.

Today’s Worship Assistants:             Next Week’s Worship Assistants:

Reader:  Darla Elliott                                 Reader:  Terry Ferguson

Acolyte:                                                     Acolyte:  Becky Beilharz

Altar: Deanna Burroughs                        Altar: Deanna Burroughs

Organist: Melinda Heinrich                      Organist: Jane Wetzel

Refreshments:  Wetzel’s                        Refreshments: Advent Vill.


Homebound/Care Facility

Loretta Davis, Richard Larson, Kevin Larson, Bob Salsman, David Gates, Willie Oldberg, Jennifer Plackemeier, Gertrude Woodring, Cheryl Scott, David & Caroline Parks.


                             December Birthdays/Anniversaries

Katelyn Sylva                Dec 1         Samuel Durairaj           Dec 18      

Sam Jarrett                   Dec 3         Joshua Samuel            Dec 21      

Ruth Ann Troop            Dec 5         Ryan Hartje                  Dec 22      

Drew Paulakovich        Dec 13       Quinn Welch                 Dec 28      

Deb Hartje                     Dec 14       Tom Eckard                  Dec 28      

Marilyn Suman              Dec 14       James Wetzel               Dec 29      

Jessica Samuel            Dec 14       Roena Iiams                 Dec 30      

Travis Lee                     Dec 16       Michael & Summer Bryant Dec 14

Jim Huston                    Dec 18       Travis & Tanner Lee          Dec 31          


   Ministry Impact








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