June 21st - June 23rd, 5:30 pm - 8 pm

VBS 2023

Our Saviour Presents, TREASURED! VBS 2023

Children ages 4 and up are invited to three evenings of VBS fun at OSKC! Join us to discover how you are PRICELESS to God. To pre-register your child for VBS at Our Saviour, please fill out and submit the form below.
VBS Pre-Registration



If none, please write "none"

If none, please write "none"

Do we have permission to photograph your children?*

( )   -

Dates and Time

Dates: June 21 - 23

Time: 6PM - 8PM

There will be a free child friendly dinner served at 5:30PM

Location: Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 4153 Rainbow Blvd , Kansas City, KS US 66103

How You Can Help!

  1. Dinners - Group to prepare, serve and clean up dinner on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (we've got the menu planned and will have all the fixin's at church) and then stick around 
                     to do an adult themed VBS bible study.
  2. Group Leaders - You will get to lead a group of kids through their activities as they learn about Jesus and His love.
  3. Station Leaders
    1. Imagination Station: do fun and easy scientific experiments!
    2. Kid Vid: assist with leading discussion of the daily VBS video
    3. Preschool: assist with leading the VBS portion for preschool age children
    4. Adult Bible Study: assist in leading an adult Bible study for parents and other adults while children are in VBS
    5. Opening and Closing MC: lead the opening and closing each evening
  4. Helpers - help out for one day, one hour or all week!

For more information and to help serve