April 11 - The Road to Emmaus

April 11, 2021

April 11 - The Road to Emmaus

Today we walk with two disciples as they’re going to a town called Emmaus. Watch the story HERE

Talk Together: 

 - What were the two disciples talking about on the road and why were they sad? Who came and walked with them and what did He tell them?

- What happened when Jesus blessed and broke the bread? And what happened when the disciples went back and told everyone what had happened?

- Jesus showed His disciples that He was alive and it was really Him. We can know He is really alive too! What can you do today to live for Jesus?

Pray Together:

Dear Jesus, thank you for dying and rising again so I could live with you forever! Help me live for You for today in what I do and say! Amen. 

Our hope is in Jesus! Watch and praise Him HERE.

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