
jesus for YOUR week

Current Series


Hebrews 12 commands us to fix our eyes on Jesus. Join us as we journey through Holy Scripture fixing our eyes on Jesus.

My Favorites

A look at some of our favorite Bible stories and passages

Colossians Bible Class

In this Bible class we walk verse by verse through Paul's letter to the Colossians learning what it means to find our salvation and identity "in Christ."

The Good Book

A sermon series that looks at the Bible itself, why it's good and why we trust it.

Jesus said...

A study of the parables of Jesus and how they teach us how to live for Him in our everyday lives.

Joshua (Bible Class)

Learn how to follow God's calling in your life with courage and faith through a study of the book of Joshua

Acts: The Gospel for the World

This summer sermon series covers the second half of the book of Acts. Together we learn how to continue the work of the early church of bringing the Gospel of Jesus to all people.

Proverbs: Lessons in Wisdom

We are all faced with decisions each and everyday and despite our best intentions, we don't always make the right one or even know what the right one is. Proverbs teaches us about godly wisdom that we can use to be a guide for our lives and the decisions we face.

Holy Week 2023

A celebration of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ!

Bold Prayers: Talking to God to Change Your Life

Most of us would agree that prayer is good and important to our faith. The Bible commands us to pray often. But we sometimes struggle to pray big prayers; we shy away from praying boldly. Throughout this series, we will be looking at bold prayers in the Bible to find encouragement and faith to pray bold prayers.
