Construction / renovation update (as of Friday, 11/8):
Major concrete work was delayed to the week of Nov. 11 due to rain. Footings for the new retaining wall have been started. New concrete will make a level, west entrance with no need for a ramp or steps; the sidewalk from the parking lot to the north tower door is being replaced (eliminating the outdoor step at this door). When the west concrete work is done then work can begin on the new, glassed-in entry at our west doors. Interior electrical work has started. All of the work is being done with the desire to improve our facility and honor our Lord so that our place of worship and ministry can continue to impact our community. Within the next week or two, we'll likely see a construction fence at the west entrance (to keep the public out and safe) and a storage container & lift in our large parking lot (these will both reduce parking, so please plan accordingly for Sundays). Our contractor carries "builders risk insurance" during the duration of our project. Please pray for good weather and for the safety of the workers plus everyone who travels in our parking lot and on adjacent sidewalks.